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another covid Christmas.

Writer's picture: rebecca's home sortrebecca's home sort

Originally I set out to write one new post each week, but I’ve already failed as I’m now almost a week late on what is only my third post. Anyway, the truth is I’ve actually sat down several times ready to write about ‘storage’ (this topic will come eventually) but for now all I can really think about, talk about (and now write about) is how I’m feeling about this… Another. Covid. Christmas.

I can’t believe we’re all back here again, in almost exactly the same situation as we were 12 months ago. As if the lead up to Christmas (and all the preparations and mental load that brings) isn’t enough to contend with - without the added layer of worry about “are we going to get covid before xmas” and “if one of us does test positive, are there enough days left to isolate safely and still be allowed out for Christmas day”?

This is the daily dilemma we’ve been having for the past week (and there’s still 8 more sleeps to go)…

Do we keep these plans or cancel them?

Do we send our eldest to nursery today or not?

Are we still going into the pub or shall we wrap up warm and sit outside?

Are our friends coming round or shall we just meet them for a walk instead?

Arrgghh! All these silly (and sometimes socially awkward) questions that you’d never normally have to think about… well… apart from on and off for the past 21 months! 21 months… WTF?!

So we are all preparing for Christmas chaos again aren’t we? I’m normally so organised and generally ‘on it’ but I’m certainly not feeling that way this year… I was totally overwhelmed two days ago, but after a chat with my (realistic & calming) husband, and a large glass of wine - I did a full brain dump of all the ‘stuff’ - tasks, worries and chores that are swirling around my head and created a giant list. It all still needs doing of course, but at least it’s written down on paper now and I can work through what I can, a day at a time. Hopefully with some help too (especially if I sellotape it to the fridge door for all to see)!

The other ‘Christmas holiday coping mechanism’ I have is yet another list (already taped to the fridge in fact). It’s a list of various indoor and outdoor activities to keep the kids happy and entertained - as well as to help me walk off the Christmas excesses! None of them are revolutionary, or particularly imaginative/exciting, but at least if I glance at it whilst making breakfast it might inspire me for the day ahead and remind me what tools I have in my bag. N.B. television, movies and tablets obviously don’t need to feature on the list as these are inevitable right?!

As for my Christmas shopping… this seems to get left until later and later every year (which continues to surprise me) but I always get it done eventually.

When it comes to our children’s presents I have to say I’m probably pretty strict with the amount that we get for them. They have 1 main present from us and a small stocking with maybe 7-8 little things in (plus a satsuma of course). This is what I remember getting as a child growing up and I loved it - so I always figured that was plenty and I would do the same for my children. Plus (as some of my Instagram stories have alluded to recently) I just don’t want our house filled up with crazy amounts of hideous plastic toys. I actually worked for a toy company for nearly 14 years so this last statement always makes me laugh!

Anyway, as of yesterday the kids’ presents are all finally sorted (and currently hidden - unwrapped - in the back of my wardrobe) but my husband still has nothing. Sorry darling! It’s ok though, there are still 8 more sleeps to go!

We simply can’t do it all (and deep down we know this), but year on year we continue to try. So for now, just stop. Please stop. Breathe. Put your feet up. Rest. Christmas will happen, everything will be fine. And before you know it we will be doing it all again.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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