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detox your home.

Writer's picture: rebecca's home sortrebecca's home sort

Happy New Year!

I always look forward to New Year’s Day...turning over a new leaf and making a fresh start. The beginning of my next chapter, whatever that may be.

I’m not actually a fan of resolutions (as I usually break them about 3 days in), so this year instead I have set myself a few little goals (some daily, some weekly, some monthly) - simple steps that I can take in order to feel better - both emotionally and physically. To give me some much needed space for myself, but also to enable more focus on my relationships and family time as well. It’s about balance after all.

The other thing I always do (and LOVE to do) at the start of a new year is have a good old sort out. Not only does it help create a sense of order and calm in the house, but it makes me feel better - lighter, brighter, and certainly less stressed and anxious.

It doesn’t have to be a full-on or time-consuming declutter…more a ‘quick & dirty’ sweep of the house! Which is actually quite easy after Christmas in my opinion…lots of stuff laying around where is shouldn’t be, and chances are you’re having to move things around a bit anyway (as you take the tree down and put away the decorations etc). So while you are putting this and that into cupboards - why not pull this out and get rid of that at the same time? It feels SO good.

Create 3 piles; RECYCLE, DONATE and SELL. Recycle (or throw away) what’s rubbish, bag up the rest ready to donate to a local charity shop, there might even be some items that you can sell online to make a bit of extra cash for January!

I only had time for a quick whizz around the house this week, but every little helps right?! Three bags for the charity shop (mostly kids clothes and old toys), plus a coat to sell.

I’m slightly obsessed with storage too, and am always on the look out for more storage solutions for the house. And what do we need post-Christmas? More toy storage. Well, I just picked these up locally on Facebook marketplace (£10 for all 4) what a bargain. A quick lick of paint, followed by my first ever attempt at upholstering, and there you have it… 4 large toy boxes that double as extra seating too. Pretty impressed, even if I say so myself!

So let’s get organised and get sorted for the year ahead. Remember…’the less you have - the less you have to do’! You can either blitz the house quickly to make some instant improvements, or set out to tackle one room/area in more depth each week throughout the month - whichever approach works best for you. Remember to check cupboards, drawers, boxes, bags (and under beds); getting rid of anything you no longer use, no longer need or no longer love.

An organised home can have benefits on your state of mind, your health, and your confidence, because when one part of your life is organised, everything else just tends to fall into place.

Some people do a ‘January Detox’, or ‘Dry January’, or ‘Veganuary’, but I’d say just ‘Detox your Home’ instead…and then put your feet up with a well-deserved glass of wine! ;-)

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